Learning Outcomes :
- develop the recognition of phonetic sounds, mixed blends and phonics.
- develop the ability to understand, speak, read and frame meaningful sentences.
- develop the ability to understand and use new words.
- develop the ability to recite poems with proper voice modulation and expression.
- answer questions related to a story or a comprehension passage.
- develop general conversational skills individually and in a group.
- develop creative writing skills and stimulating exercise in guided writing, picture reading and story writing.
- develop the ability to dramatize stories.
- develop speaking and listening skills with the help of related inputs.
- understand and apply Grammar concepts in everyday life.
अधिगम अनुभव :
- BaaYaa kaOSala ka ivakasa.
- klpnaa Sai@tAaOr saRjanaa%mak Sai@t ka ivakasa.
- vyaahvaairk vyaakrNa xamata ka ivakasa.
- vaNa-maalaa AaOr saBaI maa~aAaoM va SabdaoM ka ivakasa.
- Sabd BaMDar AaOr vaa@ya inamaa-Na xamata ka ivakasa.
- gaVaMSa ka opZ,kr ]sasa ojauD, op`SnaaoM ka ]<ar donao ka ivakasa.
- ]icat Baava ko saaqa kivata vaacana kI yaaogyata ka ivakasa.
- naOitk maUlyaaoM,, ,p`kRit pyaa-varNa ko p`it sajagata tqaa raYT/ p`oma kI Baavanaa ivastar.
- ihMdI saaih%ya ivaQaaAaoM jaOsao kivata, khanaI, Anau\cCod, inabaMQa, ica`~kqaa, naaTk Aaid sao pircaya.
Learning Outcomes :
To develop the ability to:-
- understand the concept of Hundreds, Tens and Ones, learn number names and apply the knowledge of numbers .
- understand the concept of Addition and Subtraction and solve related word problem.
- develop the ability to compare weight and length of different objects and volumes of liquid.
- develop the ability to recognize various shapes and patterns.
- develop the ability of telling the time and applying the concept to everyday life.
- be familiar with the months of the year and days of the week.
- develop the knowledge of different denominations of money and apply the concept of money in everyday life.
- develop the ability to organize and interpret information through data handling and list making.
Learning Outcomes :
To develop the ability of:-
- develop and stimulate the power of observation.
- stimulate interest in group discussion, activities and class interactions.
- understand the importance of family and relationships.
- realize the importance of cultivating good habits and values.
- understand the importance of maintaining hygiene and keeping healthy by eating a clean, balanced and a nutritious diet.
- create awareness of the different seasons and their inter relation with food habits, clothes etc., seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- create awareness of the neighbourhood and importance of community helpers.
- create awareness of the different festivals and religions of India and their importance in our culture.
- create awareness of the different means of transport.
- understand the concept of safety and the importance of following safety rules.
- sensitize the students about the importance of plants in our lives and to create awareness of different uses of plants.
- sensitize the students about the importance of animals and create awareness of useful things we get from domestic animals.
- emphasize the importance of the sun and develop knowledge of various celestial bodies.
- create awareness of the importance of water and air for all living things.
- sensitize the students about the importance of water conservation.