The 2nd step in primary school where children continue to build upon the foundation laid in Grade 1. In Grade 2, students further develop their reading and writing skills, expand their mathematical knowledge, and explore topics in science and social studies through hands-on activities and interactive lessons.
Syllabus – Class 2 ( One More School )
English |
Hindi |
Math |
E.V.S |
Learning Outcomes :
- develop the ability to understand, read and frame meaningful sentences.
- develop the ability to understand and use new words.
- develop the ability to recite poems with proper voice modulation and expression.
- answer questions related to a story or a comprehension passage.
- develop general conversational and discussion skills individually and in a group.
- develop creative writing skills with stimulating exercises in guided writing and picture reading.
- develop the ability to dramatize stories.
- develop speaking and listening skills with the help of related inputs.
- understand and apply various Grammar concepts in everyday life.
अधिगम अनुभव :
- BaaYaa kaOSala ka ivakasa.
- klpnaa Sai@tAaOr saRjanaa%mak Sai@t ka ivakasa.
- vyaahvaairk vyaakrNa xamata ka ivakasa.
- vaNa-maalaa AaOr saBaI maa~aAaoM va SabdaoM ka ivakasa.
- Sabd BaMDar AaOr vaa@ya inamaa-Na xamata ka ivakasa.
- gaVaMSa ka opZ,kr ]sasa ojauD, op`SnaaoM ka ]<ar donao ka ivakasa.
- ]icat Baava ko saaqa kivata vaacana kI yaaogyata ka ivakasa.
- naOitk maUlyaaoM,, ,p`kRit pyaa-varNa ko p`it sajagata tqaa raYT/ p`oma kI Baavanaa ivastar.
- ihMdI saaih%ya ivaQaaAaoM jaOsao kivata, khanaI, Anau\cCod, inabaMQa, ica`~kqaa, naaTk Aaid sao pircaya.
Learning Outcomes :
To develop the ability to:-
- understand the concept of Hundreds, Tens and Ones.
- understand the concept of Addition and Subtraction and solve related word problem.
- develop the ability to compare weight and length of different objects and volumes of liquid.
- develop the ability to recognize various shapes and patterns.
- develop the ability of telling the time and applying the concept to everyday life.
- be familiar with the months of the year and days of the week.
- develop the knowledge of different denominations of money and apply the concept of money in everyday life.
- develop the ability to organize and interpret information through data handling and list making.
Learning Outcomes :
- locate information from books, journals, the Internet, databases and media.
- develop effective oral communication skills.
- apply and use mathematical reasoning skills in solving problems.
- develop analytical and critical thinking skills.
- demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and its application to solve real life problems
- 2D and 3D Shapes and Patterns
- Fruits, Nuts & Vegetables
- Introduction of Cursive Writing
- World Around Me – Continents & Oceans
- My Green Friends – Plants & flowers
- Listening & Speaking Skills
- Tables and Multiplication
- Anausvaar AaOr Anaunaaisak
- iganatI 1–10 (SabdaoM AaOr AMkaoM maoM)
- saPtah ko idnaaoM AaOr mahInaaoM ko naama
- saM&a palatU AaOr jaMgalaI pSauAaoM ko naama
- Around India –Dances, Dresses and Religions
- Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers